How to allow a third-party application to fetch data from your Flipkart Seller Panel?

Flipkart allows third-party applications to fetch your seller data directly from its servers using its API. However, before these applications can fetch your data, you have to first grant permissions to them. It’s a two-step procedure as explained below:

Step 1: Register a new third-party application?

  • Visit the API hompage
  • Login using your Flipkart Seller’s e-mail and password
  • Click on Register new application button
  • Enter an application name in “Application Name”. You can enter any name here which will help you recall this application in future. Obvious recommended is to use the third-party application name itself.
  • Enter something in “Application Description”
  • Select “Application Type” as “self_access_application”
  • Leave “Redirect URL” empty
  • Click on “Register application”

Step 2: Copy the Application ID and Application Secret in the Application?

Once you have registered the third-party application, Flipkart will generate an Application ID and Application Secret specific to that application. You can find these two things on the API home page itself mentioned against the Application Name. Copy them and enter them on the third-party application. Once the application receives these two details, it will be able to fetch your seller data directly from Flipkart using the API.

Note: Don’t give your Flipkart Seller Panel’s email and password to any third-party application. They just need the Application ID and Secret to fetch your seller data.

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