How to download Payments File (Unified File) from Amazon Seller Central?

How to download Payments File (Unified File) from Amazon Seller Central?
How to download Payments File (Unified File) from Amazon Seller Central?

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How to allow a third-party application to fetch data from your Flipkart Seller Panel?

Flipkart allows third-party applications to fetch your seller data directly from its servers using its API. However, before these applications can fetch your data, you have to first grant permissions to them. It’s a two-step procedure as explained below:

Step 1: Register a new third-party application?

  • Visit the API hompage
  • Login using your Flipkart Seller’s e-mail and password
  • Click on Register new application button
  • Enter an application name in “Application Name”. You can enter any name here which will help you recall this application in future. Obvious recommended is to use the third-party application name itself.
  • Enter something in “Application Description”
  • Select “Application Type” as “self_access_application”
  • Leave “Redirect URL” empty
  • Click on “Register application”

Step 2: Copy the Application ID and Application Secret in the Application?

Once you have registered the third-party application, Flipkart will generate an Application ID and Application Secret specific to that application. You can find these two things on the API home page itself mentioned against the Application Name. Copy them and enter them on the third-party application. Once the application receives these two details, it will be able to fetch your seller data directly from Flipkart using the API.

Note: Don’t give your Flipkart Seller Panel’s email and password to any third-party application. They just need the Application ID and Secret to fetch your seller data.

How to find your Flipkart’s Location ID

  1. Login to your Flipkart Seller panel by clicking here
  2. Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Health
  3. Copy the URL from the Address Bar of your browser
  4. Locate “&location=” in the URL. Copy everything between “&location=” and the next “&”. For Example:
Location id in the below URL is "LOC29538eee5932879da35c823321a"

How to download MTR file from Amazon Seller Central?

How to download MTR file from Amazon Seller Central?
  1. Visit the MTR page directly on Amazon seller central. You can also visit this page from your seller central home page by navigating to Reports > Tax Document Library > Merchant tax Report.
  2. To download current month’s MTR files:
    1. click “B2C Report” and “B2B Report” buttons
  3. To download previous month’s MTR files:
    1. select the desired month from the dropdown “Download Reports for previous Months”
    2. select “B2C Report” / “B2B Report” from the options under “Marketplace Transaction Reports”
    3. click on “Download Reports”

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What is GSTR1 Return?

GSTR1 is a type of GST return which is used to report all of your sales to the GST department.

Note: GSTR1 only contains Sales Details. It doesn’t contain any Purchase Details

GSTR1 Return contents

The GSTR1 Return contains majorly the following data:

  1. Sale Details (both Domestic and Export Sales)
  2. Amendment to previously reported Sales
  3. Invoice Series Details (documents issued against these Sales)
  4. HSN-wise summary (break up of these Sales HSN-wise)

The Sale Details (point number 1 above) is split so as to be reported under various heads as below:

  1. Domestic Sales
    1. Taxable Sales
      1. B2B Sales (filed under column no 4A, 4B, 4C, 6B and 6C)
      2. B2C large Sales (filed under column no. 5A and 5B)
        1. sale amount >= 2.5 lacs
      3. B2C Small Sales (filed under column no 7)
        1. B2C Small Sales (sale amount < 2.5 lacs), and
        2. All other Sales which are not covered under above 2 points: “B2B Sales” and “B2C Large Sales”
    2. Nil Rated, Exempted and Non-GST Sales (filed under 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D – Nil Rated Supplies)
  2. Export Sales (filed under Column no.6A)
  3. Credit/Debit Notes
    1. Registered
    2. UnRegistered
  4. Advances Received and Sales adjusted from Advances
    1. Advances Received (filed under 11A(1), 11A(2) – Tax Liability)
    2. Adjustment of Advances (filed under 11B(1), 11B(2))

GSTR1 Filing Frequency

You can choose to file it either monthly or quarterly. Quarterly option is available only if your turnover is less than 1.5 crore. If your turnover is more than 1.5 crore, then the only option you have is to file it monthly.